At the core of our service, our senior care placement advisors bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and compassion to every family they assist. Understanding the complexities of senior care, they are equipped to provide tailored advice, ensuring that your loved ones receive the care and support that best suits their needs. Our advisors are committed to guiding you through the various options, from assisted living facilities to in-home care, ensuring a seamless transition for your family members. Their dedication to your peace of mind and your loved one’s well-being is what sets our service apart.


Jennifer Bustamante

Jennifer Bustamante

Jennifer Bustamante

Hey there! It’s me! Jennifer Bustamante, CEO & Founder Bio

Jennifer Bustamante is incredibly dedicated to enriching the lives of both the elderly and her team. Her extensive experience spanning three decades in long-term care, beginning from memory care, Salem Hospital and rehabilitation services to eventually owning her unique long-term care communities, showcases her passion and commitment to providing exceptional care.

Her emphasis on going beyond the basic needs of older adults, aiming for a holistic and fulfilling living experience, speaks volumes about her dedication to their well-being. Additionally, her role in mentoring young mothers and adults to help them excel in life, both financially and professionally, demonstrates her commitment to empowering others.

The creation of a mentorship program within her company reflects her desire not only to excel in senior care but also to nurture and guide individuals within her teams. Her dedication to Embrace Senior Advisors highlights her aspiration to provide top-notch solutions and support for clients seeking safe living options, while also aiming to elevate her team to continue the path as exemplary advisors.

Jennifer is a compassionate, driven, and visionary leader, shaping the landscape of senior care and positively impacting the lives of both the elderly and those she mentors.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
503-689-0053 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

Portland Metro~ Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington Counties

Kevin Olayos

Kevin Olayos

Kevin Olayos

Hey there! It’s me! Kevin Olayos, Senior Advisor/Chief Operations Officer Bio

As an accomplished Senior Care Advisor with 22 years’ experience of successfully providing a wide range supports to adults, I bring a wealth of experience in guiding individuals and families through the intricate process of finding the most suitable care solutions.

With a compassionate approach and a deep understanding of the diverse needs within long-term, I am dedicated to fostering well-informed decisions. My commitment is to alleviate the challenges associated with this crucial transition by offering personalized assistance and empowering clients to make choices that prioritize both comfort and quality of life.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
503-867-3571 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

Portland Metro~ Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington Counties

Kristi Runa

Kristi Runa

Kristi Runa

Hey there! It’s me! Kristi Runa, Senior Advisor/Client Advocate Bio

Kristi Runa is a woman who wears many hats with grace and passion. A devoted mom, caring aunt, accomplished artist, dedicated prayer minister, and compassionate senior advisor, she finds purpose and fulfillment in each of her roles.

Kristi’s journey into the world of caregiving began at the intersection of art and necessity. While navigating the challenges of single motherhood as a freshman art major, she discovered her calling when a friend suggested she provide care for an elderly neighbor. Infusing creativity and a sense of joy into her caregiving, Kristi’s reputation quickly spread, earning her recommendations from grateful families. Recognizing her innate talent, home health nurses encouraged her to pursue a career in healthcare.

For a decade, Kristi served as a nursing assistant in private homes and facilities. Witnessing the heartbreaking challenges within some facilities ignited her advocacy for seniors and vulnerable populations. A promise made to her parents fueled this passion, pledging to provide them with compassionate, honoring care as they aged.

In 2018, the opportunity to fulfill this promise arose. Retired from caregiving, Kristi served the Willamette Valley as a senior care consultant when her mother’s recurring breast cancer necessitated a change in plans. The family decided to move into a shared home, allowing Kristi to manage her mother’s hospice care and provide support for her father battling Parkinson’s disease. This unique experience of directly caring for her parents affirmed Kristi’s commitment to guiding families in their search for quality care.

Kristi sees her role as a senior advisor not just as a profession but as a heartfelt commitment to ensuring that every family she assists receives the same level of care she would provide her own loved ones. Her multifaceted journey reflects a seamless integration of art, caregiving, and advocacy, creating a legacy of compassion and support for seniors and their families.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
503-871-4310 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

Southern Willamette Valley~ Douglas, Lane, Linn & Benton Counties

Anandi Miller

Anandi Miller

Anandi Miller

Hey there! It’s me! Anandi Miller, Senior Advisor/Executive Planner Bio

Anandi is a dedicated Senior Advisor with a diverse background in senior care, providing her with a greater understanding of the challenges faced by seniors and their families. From caregiving for her own mother to running as a marketing director in assisted living communities, Anandi possesses a comprehensive insight on the details of the senior living industry. Having witnessed the struggles and trauma experienced by her mother as well as many seniors, she is fueled by a passion for advocacy and a commitment to making a positive difference.

The dedication to supporting families during the pandemic has further propelled Anandi’s commitment to providing compassionate care for her seniors, particularly for those underserved during challenging times. Transitioning from a sales position to working in a community overnight has ignited her unwavering passion to step into a new role and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Having come full circle in her career, Anandi is now doing what she enjoys daily and is proud to be a part of the Embrace Senior Advisors firm. Her personal journey and experiences undoubtedly shape her approach as an advisor, allowing her to provide empathetic and understanding support to those navigating the complexities of long-term care options.

Anandi’s dedication, passion, and personal experiences make her a valuable asset to the senior care community, and her commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others is truly commendable.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
503-580-3825 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

North Central Valley in Marion & Polk Counties

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner

Hey there! It’s me! Jennifer Garner, Senior Advisor/ Regional Director Bio

Jennifer Garner embodies the essence of a compassionate and seasoned Senior Advisor, blending personal experience with professional expertise to guide families through the complex journey of senior care.

Her firsthand understanding of the challenges that come with caring for a loved one and the myriad emotional and logistical hurdles families face gives her a unique perspective. Jennifer’s commitment is unwavering, driven by a desire to provide clarity and compassion. Her solutions are not just trustworthy but tailored to the specific needs of seniors and their families, acknowledging the intricate dynamics involved in this phase of life.

With a decade-long dedication to advocacy, Jennifer showcases her expertise in offering support that exceeds expectations. Her readiness to provide accessible assistance ensures not just guidance but also peace of mind for those navigating the often intricate world of senior care.

Jennifer Garner emerges as a beacon of support, offering not just professional guidance but also empathy and understanding to families and individuals seeking solutions in the realm of senior housing and care.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
541-570-8796 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

Southern Willamette Valley~ Lane, Linn & Benton Counties

Amanda Blevins

Amanda Blevins

Amanda Blevins

Hey there! It’s me! Amanda Blevins, Senior Advisor/Client Advocate Bio

Amanda Blevins is a dedicated Senior Advisor whose diverse background in senior care has equipped her with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by seniors and their families. With experience ranging from caregiving and activities assistance to marketing and executive roles, Amanda possesses a comprehensive perspective on the intricacies of the senior living industry. Witnessing the struggles and trauma experienced by many seniors first hand has fueled her passion for advocacy and her commitment to making a positive difference.

Amanda’s approach is characterized by genuine compassion and a remarkable ability to connect with seniors and their families on a profound level. She excels at educating families about available resources and bridging communication gaps between healthcare providers, communities, and loved ones. In times of crisis, Amanda brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to facilitate informed and timely decision-making.

Her goal is not only to provide solutions, but also to offer peace of mind, guiding families with empathy through the complexities of senior care. Outside of her professional endeavors, Amanda enjoys spending time with her 14-year-old Yorkie named ‘Lexi’ and volunteering with wildlife, further demonstrating her caring and nurturing nature.

Amanda’s dedication to improving the lives of seniors and their families shines through her work, making her a valuable asset to the senior care community.

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123 Street Name, Suite A, City Name, State name 12345
541-619-8702 [email protected]

Areas of Operation:

Southern Willamette Valley~ Lane, Linn & Benton Counties

To learn more about how our advisors can assist you in finding the perfect care solution, contact us today to start a conversation that could greatly enhance the quality of life for your loved one.